最近参加了bloggerinsight的一个调查活动(呵呵,当然是有报酬的了),主要是针对一个即将进入中国的sns社区的一些相关分析. 自己之前也写过一篇关于sns的社区类的文章: qq校友战胜校内网的理由. 自己对于相关的内容写了很多的东西,最后发现超过了文字限制.(呵呵,感觉自己真实在.)下面把我写的一些东西发表出来.
17173.com is a professional online game portal site of Sohu.com. it is the first choice for players to communicate with each others and get latest news info on games. According to Alexa, 17173.com ranks the first place in all the Chinese game websites. currently, it has 100 game zones and 4 million registrated members. the forum of 17173.com has a daily post of 200 thousands.
Sina Game is the biggest Chinese game media. it has a comphrhensive coverage of the all game related news, reviews, Game Strategies etc.
经常上新浪网, 但是不经常到这个页面. 但是, 知道新浪的这个频道经常的介绍新游戏和攻略.游戏资讯也非常的及时.
Comprehensive community on games
Haofang is an online game platform. Registered players on Haofang may login to the platform to play games with other players in different local networks.
知道的最早的电子竞技平台, 如今有没落的趋势了,因为有好多的平台在取代它,比如qq空间.
A comprehensive portal on games.
Forum on games
Forum on games
QQ Space
It is a community for users to read news, review other people's space, find friends and show himself. with the strong support of Tencent, it has a large user base.
近况. 而且qq空间的增值服务做的特别的好, 自己的好多的同学都用手机冲qq币, 来装饰自己的qq空间. 我感觉如果腾讯对于qq空间产品在功能
上再进行升级,比如能够自定义域名,或者增加自定义html模块的话, 完全可以成为一个专业的博客托管商,进一步加大自身产品的市场份额.
YOHO is a virtual SNS site. it provides a platform for young people to communicate with each other by advocating the concept of individual,interest group, district, city etc. it is dedicated to encourage and support young people to cultivate interest and individuality. the vision of this site is to become the biggest portal site for young people in China.
属于最近发展起来的一个社区性质的网站, 这个网站能在社区类网站中, 做到现在的规模, 除了一些其他的因素外,我感觉最大的原因在于其,专注
于年轻人的市场, 并突出自己的特色. 所以发展的比较好.
Founded in 2000, the earliest student SNS in China. targeting to covers students from 6 to 23 years old. The student community of this site is the biggest in China.
中国学生网 虽然是最早做学生社区的,但是并没有抓住机遇,发展壮大, 现在由于校内网的发展, 使得中国学生网,不得不朝着, 论坛社区和学生门户的方向发展,
而且,并把重点从大学生转向了高中生,以及大一的学生. 自我感觉,如果不再开发有特色的产品, 能够吸引住学生用户, 可能迟早要被校内网 收购或者
Founded in 2007, 360quan.com is the most fast developing website in China. it is dedicated to build an interactive SNS site for young and fasion chinese people.
360圈也是以主打年轻人为主的sns社区, 而且,其前期的发展主要靠广告效应. 感觉其主要的用户群,是那些除了学生之外的年轻人,比如打工族.等等
An online SNS website for young people.
Facekoo is a cool E-life website which targeting at people born after 80s and 90s who are young, energetic and passionate. it is dedicated to build an interactive SNS site which contains the elements of entertaiments,community,life and friends.
也属于面向年轻人的sns社区, 我感觉其也属于小规模的sns社区, 感觉它和早期的51有点像,但是, 我感觉它肯定不会发展成为另外一个51.毕竟现在的这种
Wangyou.com is a web2.0 website which provide young people the original videos. Wangyou.com is dedicated to provides young user groups a new platform to show themselves and share their videos. the registrated users reach 10 millions.
感觉和贵站有点相似, 有很多的聚合分享,比如,视频秀, 图片秀,一块玩游戏,等等. 但是感觉界面有点山寨. 像是个小公司在运营.
iPart is the only Femal Social Networking website which focus on female work ladies and university students in mainland, Hongkang and Taiwan.
很在就听说过这个网站,而且还看到了很多的媒体对其进行了报道,我十分的看好其模式, 因为其专注于女生,并且其设计的界面还有里面的小应用,非常的招女生
喜爱, 周围有很多的女孩都访问这个网站,并注册会员, 还有 很多的男生慕名而且. 所以发展的越来越快.
chinaren.com was once the most influential online alumni site in China
作为比较早的社区类网站, 后被sohu收购, 用户群非常的庞大,但是, 最近这几年,发展的并不是非常的好. 特别是被收购后, 其大部分的用户群都是早期的用户,
Founded in 2007, Xiake.la is the first SNS site for high school students. it covers 20 thousands high schools in China and has a membership of 50 thousands.
感觉这个也是非常的出色的一个网站,因为其避开了校内网 , 主要以中学生为用户群, 而且无论是从界面上,还是功能上,都非常的适合中学生的习惯. 而且域名非常的
有个性, 适合中国人的习惯. 做的非常的有特色.
校内网 现在中国最火的sns社区,几乎垄断了大学生类sns社区的百分之90的份额. 发展的速度非常的快, 感觉相当于中国的facebook和myspace. 功能上面也发展的越来越全面.
在线用户多,活跃用户多, 而且多为大学生用户群. 几乎自己的所有的同学都注册了校