
Happy with Dreamhost

I have a dream to become a good programmer, and make a great application. During program development, when a perfect running environment is crucial.    Very lucky, I met Dreamhost. I deploy my App on Dreamhost,  and store my app  file on DreamObjects. They make my app fast and stable.

DreamHost is Turning 16 !  I feel happy with  it’s  wonderful service.  I hope dreamhost  developed better and be greater !


html定位:scrollLeft,scrollWidth,clientWidth,offsetWidth 介绍

今天打算在一个页面上添加一个图片的跑马灯特效。看了一些网上的代码,发现自己对于 scrollLeft 和 scrollWidth 等相关概念有些模糊,于是就从别处转来这样一篇文章。最主要的是有完整的附图讲解。