
Windows 7 你下载了吗

Windows 7 今天你下载了吗?  

今天碰到一个网友,他说他正在下载Windows 7,我不太相信,他就发给我了下载地址和截图,果然是Windows 7,然后自己就从网上查了相关信息,果然是有Windows 7的预览版在网上传播工人下载...........

因为Windows的vista 对于很多人来说都是一场噩梦,但这并没有阻挡疯狂的网友对于Windows 7的期盼,据报道,现在有成千上万的网友在下载Windows 7 ,并形成了难得一见的情形,就是 全球人一块bt下载Windows 7操作系统......

据微软官方的说法,Windows 7 这次吸取了vista的失败的教训,继承了xp'的简洁易用等特点,使得用户拥有更好的操作系统体验,这因该是另广大的网友期盼的一个重要原因.其次,因为这次微软公司一反常态,并未对Windows 7做过多的信息的透露,使得广大的粉丝们对其更是感觉神秘........

总之,就个人来说,可以下载来,放在虚拟机中试一试,但不要把这个试用版的Windows 7 做为日常主要的操作系统来用. 因为现在的这个版本并不是最终的发售版本,所以在功能以及稳定性方面都是没有保证的.........

下面是Windows 7 32位的build 6801 版的bt下载地址,感兴趣的网友可以下载尝尝鲜.

下载:Microsoft Windows 7 32Bit Build 6801 DVD镜像



Microsoft Windows 7 Beta Build 6801 32Bit

Release Information

Release Date…..: October 29, 2008
Directory Name…: Microsoft.Windows.7.32Bit.Build.6801.DVD-WinBeta
Supplier………: Microsoft
Type………….: OS
Format………. : DVD - ISO (as supplied by MS)
Number of Discs..: 1
Archives………: 60 x 50 MB (2% rar recovery record)
Files…………: wb-win7pdc32bit6801dvd.rxx
Protection…….: Key Activation
Requirements…..: CPU: 1.5GHz / RAM: 512MB / HDD: 12gb
Link………….: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/

Release Notes

Windows 7 is designed to make everyday tasks faster and easier, and
make new things possible for end users. Windows 7 reflects an evolved
approach to engineering that incorporates customer and partner
feedback more closely into the development process. It will deliver
innovative new features while focusing on application and device
compatibility. With Windows 7, Microsoft is working to establish a
more consistend and predictable release schedule so partners across
the Windows ecosystem can easily and quickly build on the new
capabilities Windows has to offer.

This is the Build distributed at the Microsoft PDC 2008
The build tag is: 6801.winmainwin7m3.080913-2030.

Nukers-This must remain an iso or it will not extract or boot. -

Enjoy. This is an original untouched iso.

